Wolf Paving recently resurfaced and repaved a parking lot at the Hunger Task Force Farm in Franklin, Wisconsin. The Farm grows fruits and vegetables specificly for the purpose of feeding the hungry. Here they grow over 30 varieties of fruits and vegetables all delivered free of charge. To learn more specifically about The Farm visit their site here.
Here at Wolf Paving we are big believers in working to better the community and greatly apprechiate what the Hunger Task Force does. Needless to say we were more than happy to help them in any way possible. We made a brief video discribing the kind of work we did to their parking lot in oder to help others see our methods in action.
A transcript for the video can be found here:
"The Hunger Task Force requested the resurfacing of an existing parking lot at their Farm located in Franklin, WI.
The parking lot is located at the north end of the property and is frequently used by visitors and volunteers working at the farm.
Preparing the surface required cutting weeds around the perimeter of the parking lot, and marking the surface for milling.
Additionally, the surrounding curb is marked to ensure that the new asphalt is properly pitched for runoff.
Prior to laying new asphalt, the existing asphalt surface required milling to remove surface irregularities. The boxbroom sweeper recovers loose debris, which is recycled for aggregate in new asphalt.
The new asphalt was laid in the course of a day, making the total duration for the job five days."