Asphalt Paving Blog

Do’s and Don’ts After an Asphalt Paving Project

Posted by Jacob Mrugacz on Sep 6, 2019

Having a new asphalt pavement installed is an investment most people make only a few times in their life, so proper pavement care immediately after installment is not common knowledge. 

If you just had your parking lot or driveway paved, you may be wondering what the next steps are post-paving and how to maintain the newly paved surface. Follow these do's and don'ts to ensure the longevity of your quality asphalt pavement!

9 Important Asphalt Paving Budget Tips for Property Managers

Posted by Jacob Mrugacz on Jun 14, 2019

If your parking lot is fading, crumbling or full of potholes, you may be wondering how to fit repair and resurfacing into your already tight property budget. Don’t worry; establishing a realistic parking lot maintenance budget doesn’t need to be painful.

Two Big Reasons Property Managers Can Save Time and Money By Installing An Asphalt Parking Lot

Posted by J. Mrugacz on Dec 17, 2018

As a building owner or property manager, you already have many responsibilities to think about. Having a functional and safe parking lot isn't something you need to be stressing about. Why not install an asphalt parking lot and check it off your list of worries? After all, it’s better for your customers and for you!

8 Easy Ways to Improve Business Curb Appeal

Posted by J. Mrugacz on Dec 3, 2018

Customers start making judgements the minute they see your building, and you guessed it, your pavement. What does your business exterior say about you? As a business owner, it’s important to be sending the right image to potential customers. Every little detail adds to the full picture you’re trying to paint of your business and you should be taking every advantage presented to you.

Concrete Parking Lot vs. Asphalt Parking Lot: Pros and Cons

Posted by J. Mrugacz on Jul 10, 2018

If you are getting ready to update your business or municipal building with a new parking lot, you have a lot of choices to make.

One of the first and most important decisions is what material to use - asphalt or concrete?

Both of these materials have advantages and disadvantages.